Thunder Point (Sean Dillon) by Jack Higgins
Thunder Point (Sean Dillon) by Jack Higgins PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
1945. The day before Hitler commits suicide, he arranges for Nazi leader Martin Bormann to flee to South America in a German U-boat.1992. Terrorist Sean Dillon is saved from a Yugoslavian firing squad—if he agrees to help the British government retrieve the long-lost documents of Martin Bormann. The wreck of Bormann's U-boat has been discovered in the Caribbean, along with a secret list of Nazi sympathizers. The names include high-level citizens from the U.S. and Great Britain—and may implicate the Duke of Windsor himself. The evidence lies in a watertight briefcase on the bottom of the sea. And the desperate search to find it will send shockwaves across the world ...
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