Accidentally Fabulous (The Fashion-Forward Adventures of Imogene) by Lisa Barham
Accidentally Fabulous (The Fashion-Forward Adventures of Imogene) by Lisa Barham PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Imogene's going from starstruck to starlet!
Imogene and Evie are headed to L.A. for a fashion-filled spring break. Hello, gorgeous beaches, celebrity sightings, and nonstop shopping on Rodeo Drive!
Then the spotlight turns on Imogene and suddenly everyone in Hollywood wants to buy her life story. With a famous heartthrob to hang out with and A-list status to get her in anywhere, Imogene is L.A.'s girl of the moment. But what about Evie? Becoming the new It Girl without losing old friends is harder than it looks....
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