Knowledge Management for Lawyers by Patrick DiDomenico
Knowledge Management for Lawyers by Patrick DiDomenico PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Knowledge Management for Lawyers introduces readers to the core ideas behind KM. While there are no universally accepted definitions of Knowledge Management, this book breaks it down into three key elements: 1) who we know, 2) what we know, and 3) how we do things. According to the author, a recognized expert in the burgeoning field of KM, Knowledge Management at its heart is about connecting people with people, connecting people with knowledge and information, and, finally, helping people understand and implement the processes, procedures, and technologies that can help them and their law practices become more efficient and, ultimately, more profitable.In the "New Normal," KM has gone from being a "nice to have" to a "must have." Knowledge Management professionals are expanding their scope to include not only process improvement, but also legal project management, creating pricing and alternative fee arrangements, and assisting with the day-to-day business of running a law firm.
Written in an accessible and jargon-free style that includes real-life case studies, this book is designed to help professionals tasked with implementing better KM strategies in their respective firms by introducing them to the fundamentals of KM ("Why KM, Why Now?") and providing them with practical strategies and tools to help them apply these principles in their respective workplaces and their professional lives in general.
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