Tricks with Trees: Growing, Manipulating and Pruning by Ivan Hicks, Richard Rosenfeld
Tricks with Trees: Growing, Manipulating and Pruning by Ivan Hicks, Richard Rosenfeld PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Trees are an underappreciated and underused aspect of the garden; their "bendy" form means they can be manipulated and pruned into fantastic shapes, which can transform a garden from ordinary to entirely unique. This guide shows how trees and shrubs can be turned into practical and fun towers for children to play in; bent over as pliable saplings to create bridges, arches, tunnels, and temples; planted in semicircles or pairs to create arbors and arches; or even transformed into conceptual sculptures. Accessible and practical, the text is accompanied by the author's original concept sketches and a wealth of beautiful photos of the end results. The book also discusses the many forms that are possible and includes tricks suitable for the urban gardener or those with small balconies or terraces. With many simple tricks and quick ideas, as well as more challenging projects, readers will be inspired readers to view trees and shrubs as potential design aspects of any garden.
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