Minggu, 08 November 2015

PDF⋙ Modern Genetic Science: New Technology, New Decisions (Science and Society) by Terry L Smith

Modern Genetic Science: New Technology, New Decisions (Science and Society) by Terry L Smith

Modern Genetic Science: New Technology, New Decisions (Science and Society)

Modern Genetic Science: New Technology, New Decisions (Science and Society) by Terry L Smith PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

What can people expect now that scientists are able to create new forms of life by controlling the genetic code? Perhaps cats that don't cause allergies? Or plants with black leaves so they can absorb more sunlight? What about grass that never needs mowing? Or bacteria that can tell if a terrorist is carrying explosives? Many people are excited about the benefits that genetic engineering can bring--it helps doctors diagnose and treat diseases. It is helping to make the world a safer and cleaner place to live in. However, people need to be warned about the consequences of genetic engineering, too. Besides making sure that applications are safe, are scientists using ethical procedures? Readers investigate the issues for and against genetic engineering and learn about the benefits and risks of its applications.

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