Resume Writing: A Comprehensive How-To-Do-It Guide by Burdette E. Bostwick
Resume Writing: A Comprehensive How-To-Do-It Guide by Burdette E. Bostwick PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
If you're looking for a position, you've probably heard that 80% of the jobs available are never publicly advertised. That's the bad news. The good news is, those jobs don't necessarily go just to friends and industry insiders. The people who get the best jobs are those whose excellent writing got them in the door. Resume Writing, 3rd Edition shows you how to write a resume (or sales letter) for any field. Ten resume styles are explained in all, with sample forms and examples of how they can be used in a variety of occupations, including marketing, finance, production, law and administation. There is also coverage of various kinds of letters used in conjunction with, or separate from, resumes.From reader reviews:
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