Kamis, 31 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ Bosses and Blackjacks: A Tale of "The Bloody Fifth" in Philadelphia by L.C. Bennett Stern

Bosses and Blackjacks: A Tale of "The Bloody Fifth" in Philadelphia by L.C. Bennett Stern

Bosses and Blackjacks: A Tale of The Bloody Fifth in Philadelphia

Bosses and Blackjacks: A Tale of "The Bloody Fifth" in Philadelphia by L.C. Bennett Stern PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Based on true events... Politics in Philadelphia is a rough game...has been since the time of Ben Franklin. But when political murder takes place in the Fifth Ward (home to the Liberty Bell) on primary Election Day in 1917, it sparks outrage—not just in Philadelphia, but throughout the nation. WWI now shares headlines across the country with the sensational trial in the “City of Brotherly Love.” Police Lieutenant David Bennett is arrested, along with Mayor Smith and others in the powerful Vare brothers’ political machine, for conspiracy to commit murder and election rigging. It's all here—Love, friendship, greed, betrayal, power struggles, and murder! Find out—Who imported New York's "Frog Hollow Gang?" Who murdered a special detective on primary day? Who is really in charge in "The Bloody Fifth?"

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