Senin, 14 September 2015

PDF⋙ Unbuttoned: The Art and Artists of Theatrical Costume Design by Shura Pollatsek

Unbuttoned: The Art and Artists of Theatrical Costume Design by Shura Pollatsek

Unbuttoned: The Art and Artists of Theatrical Costume Design

Unbuttoned: The Art and Artists of Theatrical Costume Design by Shura Pollatsek PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Unbuttoned: The Art and Artists of Theatrical Costume Design documents the creative journey of costume creation from concept to performance. Each chapter provides an overview of the process, including designing and shopping; draping, cutting, dyeing, and painting; and beading, sewing, and creating embellishments and accessories. This book features interviews with practitioners from Broadway and regional theatres to opera and ballet companies, offering valuable insights into the costume design profession. Exceptional behind-the-scenes photography illustrates top costume designers and craftspeople at work, along with gorgeous costumes in progress.

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Unbuttoned: The Art and Artists of Theatrical Costume Design by Shura Pollatsek EPub

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