The Genesis Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings by Henry M. Morris
The Genesis Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings by Henry M. Morris PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Genesis Record is the only commentary on the complete Book of Genesis written by a creation scientist. Written as narrative exposition ratehr than a critical verse-by-verse analysis (although discussions on all important historical and scientific problems are woven into the narrative), this commentary is equally useful to both the theologically trained and the layperson.Dr. Morris writes from the conviction that the first eleven chapters of Genesis are as truly historical as the remaining thirty-nine. This conviction is based not simply on faith but on many years of study of the scientific aspects of the Genesis record, as well as the interchange of ideas with many other scientists and theologians (both creationist and evolutionists).
Dr. Morris's logic is compelling in its affirmation of a young earth and universe; he advocates a tight chronology in his exposition. His commentary on the worldwide Noahic Flood reflects his expertise in hydrology and geology.
In The Genesis Record, the reader is conducted by a capable guide through the important corridors of earth's early history, providing the background so necessary in understanding all of Scripture.
Dr. Morris does not neglect application of the Genesis account to the Christian life. More than thirty years of teaching Bible classes are reflected in the author's insights into human character and his application of biblical truths to life in the twenty-first century.
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