Minggu, 27 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ Hilda and the Midnight Giant (Nobrow Edition) (Hildafolk)

Hilda and the Midnight Giant (Nobrow Edition) (Hildafolk)

Hilda and the Midnight Giant (Nobrow Edition) (Hildafolk)

Hilda and the Midnight Giant (Nobrow Edition) (Hildafolk) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In Hilda and the Midnight Giant, our protagonist finds her world turned upside down as she faces the prospect of leaving her snow-capped birthplace for the hum of the megalopolis, where her mother (an architect) has been offered a prestigious job. During Hilda's daily one-and-a-half hour trek to school she looks for ways to stall her mother's decision. She conspires with the beings of the mystical Blue Forest to delay the inevitable. Will they help or hinder her? More importantly, who is this mysterious Midnight Giant?

Luke Pearson is a comic book artist and illustrator, author of Hildafolk and Everything We Miss (published by Nobrow Press). Hildafolk, his first book for Nobrow Press, quickly gained him recognition as a leading proponent of the new wave of English cartoonists.

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