Jumat, 04 April 2014

PDF⋙ Infinite Love: The Impact by Jeanine Mayers

Infinite Love: The Impact by Jeanine Mayers

Infinite Love: The Impact

Infinite Love: The Impact by Jeanine Mayers PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Laced with drama, romance and passion while delivering gut-busting laughter, Infinite Love: The Impact captivates readers with the story of five friends on a mission to overcome their struggles.

Misty had the dream life--financial security, a flourishing career and a professional man. Still, it wasn't enough. She craved the love of her life, a man sentenced to sixty years in a federal jail. A chance encounter with him changes her world, but her transgression could lead her down the path to her deadliest Sin.

Toya is trying to move on from her broken marriage after years of her husband's infidelity. Now that she's single, she faces the challenge of learning who she really is.

Charmaine gave up on love after discovering her man was living a double life. However, an unexpected reunion with an old friend could give her more than she bargains for.

Nickelle is all about making moves. She's planning to expand her business and send her only child off to college, but there's one thing missing. Will she be open to finding it?

Jasmine has always thought she was everyone's judge and jury. But when her own dirty little secrets begin to surface, will she have a change of heart?

Infinite Love: The Impact, the highly anticipated sequel to Infinite Love: The Pursuit, nominated by DONDIVA Magazine as one of the "Top Ten Must Reads," will leave you begging for more.

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