Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Hospitality Financial Managment by Robert E. Chatfield, Michael C. Dalbor

Hospitality Financial Managment by Robert E. Chatfield, Michael C. Dalbor

Hospitality Financial Managment

Hospitality Financial Managment by Robert E. Chatfield, Michael C. Dalbor PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This up-to-date introduction to finance, written for those in hospitality careers, explains and demonstrates the importance of financial management within the hospitality organization. This clear and concise book provides many examples and is primarily based on practical applications and less on theoretical foundations—keeping hospitality professionals tuned into finance without intimidating them with a typical ¿finance¿ book. Financial Markets and Financial Instruments; Review of Financial Statements and Selected Ratios; The Relationship Between Risk and Return; Time Value of Money; Fixed Income Securities: Bonds & Preferred Stock; Common Stock Features; Cost of Capital; Capital Budgeting and Cash Flow Estimation; Capital Budgeting Decision Methods; Hotel Valuation; and Capital Structure. For those in hospitality/travel tourism professions.

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