Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

PDF⋙ Law of Tort: Outlines, Diagrams, and Study Aids (VisuaLaw Study Guide) (Volume 5) by Legal Yankee

Law of Tort: Outlines, Diagrams, and Study Aids (VisuaLaw Study Guide) (Volume 5) by Legal Yankee

Law of Tort: Outlines, Diagrams, and Study Aids (VisuaLaw Study Guide) (Volume 5)

Law of Tort: Outlines, Diagrams, and Study Aids (VisuaLaw Study Guide) (Volume 5) by Legal Yankee PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

VisuaLaw Study Guide Vol 5: Law of Tort is designed to aid you in study and preparation for exams. The book contains three sections: Outlines, Diagrams, and Crib Sheets. Outlines are detailed outlines of the course material, arranged by topic. Diagrams are perfect companions to the Outlines, containing flow charts, diagrams, and other visual aids for each topic. Crib Sheets are condensed outlines, perfect for getting the 'big picture,' for revising, and for testing yourself on the details. All three sections include statutes, cases, and key terms, arranged and color-coded to maximize your studying, memorizing, and revising/reviewing.

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Law of Tort: Outlines, Diagrams, and Study Aids (VisuaLaw Study Guide) (Volume 5) by Legal Yankee EPub

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