Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ A Jane Austen Christmas: Regency Christmas Traditions (A Jane Austen Regency Life) (Volume 1) by Maria Grace

A Jane Austen Christmas: Regency Christmas Traditions (A Jane Austen Regency Life) (Volume 1) by Maria Grace

A Jane Austen Christmas: Regency Christmas Traditions (A Jane Austen Regency Life) (Volume 1)

A Jane Austen Christmas: Regency Christmas Traditions (A Jane Austen Regency Life) (Volume 1) by Maria Grace PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Many Christmas traditions and images of ‘old fashioned’ holidays are based on Victorian celebrations. Going back just a little further, to the beginning of the 19th century, the holiday Jane Austen knew would have looked distinctly odd to modern sensibilities. How odd? Families rarely decorated Christmas trees. Festivities centered on socializing instead of gift-giving. Festivities focused on adults, with children largely consigned to the nursery. Holiday events, including balls, parties, dinners, and even weddings celebrations, started a week before Advent and extended all the way through to Twelfth Night in January. Take a step into history with Maria Grace as she explores the traditions, celebrations, games and foods that made up Christmastide in Jane Austen's era. Packed with information and rich with detail from period authors, Maria Grace transports the reader to a longed-for old fashioned Christmas. Non-fiction

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